The Simple Page Object Model

1 Comments    Mar 27, 2018

I recently stumbled upon a tweet by gauge, a test automation tool/framework, sponsored by ThoughtWorks Inc:

The Page Object Model (POM) is very wide-spread and a common pattern in the UI test automation world. Therefore this statement is provoking and awakened my interest which was pretty sure the intention of this tweet. Fortunately I found a blog post by Soumya Swaroop which explains how gauge comes to the conclusion that Page Objects are an anti-pattern.

It’s not necessary to read this post prior to this post, but I highly recommend it as it’s a very good read. I like the idea of checking common clean code principles against the test framework architecture. That’s the reason why I do almost the same and although I agree in nearly all the mentioned design principle violations my conclusion differs fundamentally.

Clear a Page Object’s responsibility

Soumya states that Page Objects break the YAGNI (You aren’t gonna need it), SRP (Single-Reponsibility) and OCP (Open/Closed) priniciples. Assuming that you use Page Objects the way Selenium suggests in its wiki I completely agree.

These are Selenium’s recommendations:

  • The public methods represent the services that the page offers.
  • Try not to expose the internals of the page
  • Generally don’t make assertions
  • Methods return other PageObjects
  • Need not represent an entire page
  • Different results for the same action are modelled as different methods

The bullet points which are striked through cause the Page Objects to violate the Single-Responsibility and Open/Closed principle. They are all based on the wrong assumption that functional code is contained in a Page Object. Substituting these three rules with one other rule solves at least these two principle violations:

Never ever add test code to your Page Objects!

Page Objects are responsible for encapsulating the technical page (view of a web, desktop or mobile application) by providing an API which the functional test can use to automatically drive the SUT (System Under Test).

A page object wraps an HTML page, or fragment, with an application-specific API, allowing you to manipulate page elements without digging around in the HTML.

That said the Page Object for the Google Search website looks like this:

class GoogleSearchPage {

    TextField queryField

    Button searchButton

The Page Object includes nothing but the UI elements which belong to the page. It does not know which page is its successor in case of a button click or which fields need to be filled in which order to trigger a certain action. As the old Page Object Model has major drawbacks and gained a bad reputation we use another term which perfectly reflects the suggestion to go back to simplicity: the Simple Page Object Model (SPOM).

For each Page Object’s UI element only the information is provided which is inevitable in order to work with the element in our test:

  • The element’s name (e.g. queryField)
  • The element’s component (e.g. TextField)
  • The binding technology (e.g. Selenium)
  • The locator Selenium uses for finding the element in the HTML-DOM (e.g. name=”g”)

The UI component exactly reflects the interaction possibilities a human has while using the component. For instance, at a TextField one could call setText, getText, isEnabled and isDisplayed. The Page Object’s single responsibility is to provide these UI elements and bind them to page elements of our SUT. The SRP and OCP violations do not apply to Page Objects anymore.

And what about YAGNI?

By using the SPOM Page Objects are lowered to the amount of information which is needed to write tests against a type-safe API, there’s not much what you don’t need. It is likely that you refer to certain UI elements only once from your test code, so one might argue that you can locate the element directly from the test code without the Page Object indirection. To refute this argument, I’d like to focus on some characteristics/benefits of the SPOM.

Build incrementally

Do not build all your Page Objects up-front. Start small and just add UI elements when you need them first for one of your functional tests. Page Objects do not provide any benefits, if there is no test code which uses them.


Page Objects and their contained UI elements help you to structure your test code. Assume that a locator in the SUT has changed. This normally doesn’t happen because of a functional requirement but because of a technical refactoring. It’s much easier to locate the element in your test code base if they are organized in pages rather than in functional units. Page Objects provide a single source of truth and therefore encourage the DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) idea.

Separation of Concerns

If you have WebDriver APIs in your test methods, You’re Doing It Wrong.
Simon Stewart - Creator Selenium WebDriver API

I’d like to throw in another design principle: SoC (Separation of Concerns). Having all the technical stuff encapsulated in your Page Objects and UI components you do not have to deal with them in your test code. This leads to highly readable and maintainable test code and opens the possibility to integrate people with different skill-sets into the test development.

Implicit assertions

Page Objects should not contain test code and should never do assertions, but they can provide information which makes the test developers life much easier. Page Objects can decide whether they are the page which is currently displayed by the SUT. This opens the possibility to check this each time the test code interacts with a page’s element. The test developer doesn’t need to perform this check explicitly but the framework can take over this job as it has all required information at hand. The idea is explained more in depth here.


The gauge blog post exactly identified the same weaknesses of the wide-spread Page Object Model as I did. The advice to build reusable blocks (in tapir they are called Actions) which can be orchestrated by the tests is also very reasonable. But…

When it comes to the conclusion I do not share the opinion that Page Objects are an anti-pattern. They provide a lot of value and do not stand in contrast to functional blocks; quite the contrary, they provide a way not to violate other design principles like Separation of Concerns.

We (my company and me) did not find a framework on the whole test automation market which reflects the idea I presented in this post. Therefore, we created a one by ourselves called tapir which is designed from scratch having these principles in mind.

In another blog post I will describe how you can test an application like the Active Admin Store with our framework. tapir has a lot of other cool features which did not find their way into this post, so if your are interested, explore the tapir website or get in touch with me via post comment, Gitter or contact form.


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